Tag: Algae
To search for alien life, astronomers will look for clues in...
Chris Impey, University of Arizona and Daniel Apai, University of Arizona
The ingredients for life are spread throughout the...
Restoring the Great Lakes: After 50 years of US-Canada joint efforts,...
Daniel Macfarlane, Western Michigan University
The Great Lakes cover nearly 95,000 square miles (250,000 square kilometers) and hold over...
Scientists at work: We use environmental DNA to monitor how human...
Marie Simonin, Inrae and Emily S. Bernhardt, Duke University
Rivers, lakes and wetlands cover just 1% of the Earth’s...
Water being pumped into Tampa Bay could cause a massive algae...
Larry Brand, University of Miami
Millions of gallons of water laced with fertilizer ingredients are being pumped into Florida’s...
Seaweed and sea slugs rely on toxic bacteria to defend against...
Samantha Mascuch, Georgia Institute of Technology and Julia Kubanek, Georgia Institute of Technology
Plants, animals and even microbes that live on coral reefs have evolved...
Pigments from microbes provide clue to evolution in ancient oceans –...
Patricia L. Foster, Indiana University
Possibly the most significant event in the evolution of life on Earth occurred 2.4 billion years ago. That was when...
In growing algae for biofuels, it matters who used the water...
Sarah Loftus, Duke University
Health food enthusiasts routinely shell out over US$30 per pound for dried algae powder to whip up green smoothies to fuel...
Nutrient pollution: Voluntary steps are failing to shrink algae blooms and...
Donald Scavia, University of Michigan
Summer is the season for harmful algae blooms in many U.S. lakes and bays. They occur when water bodies become...