A Conversation with Keith Krach: Transformational Leadership

A Conversation with Keith Krach: Transformational Leadership

Life & News invites you to take a moment from your day and watch this exclusive, special and groundbreaking video mini-series about transformational leadership. It is Life & News’ hope this mini-series will inspire and help guide current and future leaders.

In A Conversation with Keith Krach: Transformational Leadership, Life & News’ Editorial Director, Viva Bianca interviews 2018 Transformational Leader of the Year, Keith Krach about methods and practices of transformational leadership.

Mr. Krach’s and Viva Bianca’s conversation takes an authentic and practical look at the personal, business, and social aspects of transformational leadership, as exemplified by Mr. Krach throughout his illustrious, ongoing career and life as an exemplary transformational leader.

Subscribe to Life & News’ Krach Transformational Leader of the Year YouTube channel to join the weekly, Monday afternoon premieres of all six episodes, or click below for direct links to each.

A Conversation with Keith Krach: Transformational Leadership
1. Transformational Leadership: What is it? (1pm PDT, Monday, June 10)
2. Transformational Leadership: Reinventing Yourself (1pm PDT, Monday, June 17)
3. Transformational Leadership: It Starts in Childhood (1pm PDT, Monday, June 24)
4. Transformational Leadership: The Virtual Mentor Network (1pm PDT, Monday, July 01)
5. Transformational Leadership: Impacting People’s Lives (1pm PDT, Monday, July 08)
6. The Life & News Transformational Leader of the Year Award (1pm PDT, Monday, July 15)

The public release of the video mini-series celebrates the official naming of the Life & News “Krach Transformational Leader of the Year Award.”

Life & News’ Board of Directors released the following statement along with the naming of the award:

“In our search for the inaugural 2018 Transformational Leader of the Year, we were hard pressed to find someone more deserving than Keith Krach. Today, we choose to name the award after Mr. Krach in perpetuity because we believe Mr. Krach is without question, a shining example of transformational leadership in yesterday’s, today’s, and tomorrow’s globally challenging business, societal, and leadership environments. We at Life & News are honored to name the award the ‘Krach Transformational Leader of the Year Award’ and look forward to presenting it to many more transformational and inspiring leaders in the decades to come. If we ourselves, our colleagues, friends, and families can find inspiration from such leaders, and be nobly drawn to the path of transformational leadership, the fate of our global community may yet see the beautiful and transformational future it deserves.” Life & News Board of Directors (June 7, 2019)

Here is the first episode of the series

A Conversation with Keith Krach: Transformational Leadership is a Life & News video production and features Keith Krach (Business Leader, Transformational Leader, Current nominee to US Under Secretary of State, and Life & News’ 2018 Transformational Leader of the Year), Viva Bianca (Life & News’ Editorial Director and veteran actress, producer and director), Michael Brown (co-founder and CEO of City Year), Michael Mink (writer and editor, Investor’s Business Daily), Priyanka Advani (3 Points Partners), Paul Stoltz (International bestselling author, Founder and CEO of Peak Learning), Dr. Ronda Beaman (CCO Peak Learning and Cal Poly professor), Marc Carlson (Managing Director, 3 Points Partners), Hiro Rodriguez (Head of Strategy, Prefect), and Elliott Liu (Life & News CEO), is executive produced by Robert B. Dellenbach (Board Member, Life & News), produced by Viva Bianca, edited by Christelle Zeinoun, with music & sound by award winning musician Antonio Beliveau, hair and makeup by Emily Sims, production assistant Gionni Heintz, and Near Future as the production crew.