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Monday, January 13, 2025

Tag: collective bargaining

Driving the best possible bargain now isn’t the best long-term strategy,...

Kate Vitasek, University of Tennessee Conventional wisdom says that you should never leave money on the table when negotiating....

US autoworkers may wage a historic strike against Detroit’s 3 biggest...

Marick Masters, Wayne State University The United Auto Workers union, which represents nearly 150,000 employees of companies that manufacture...

Unions fight to secure better pay and conditions for workers, but...

Emma Sara Hughes, University of Liverpool Over the past century, unions have successfully campaigned for a minimum wage, holiday...

Wages: why are they not keeping up with inflation?

David Spencer, University of Leeds There has been a huge amount of concern about rising inflation in recent months,...

Why so many unions oppose vaccine mandates – even when they...

Jeffrey Hirsch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, labor unions have...

Police unions are one of the biggest obstacles to transforming policing

Jill McCorkel, Villanova University Protesters and community organizers are increasingly calling for defunding and disbanding the police as a way to end police violence. Advocates argue...

Why America’s labor unions are about to die

Raymond Hogler, Colorado State University I’ve written before on how the decline of organized labor beginning in the late 1970s gave birth to the backlash...