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New York
Monday, February 17, 2025

Tag: Driving

Driverless cars might follow the rules of the road, but what...

Abdesalam Soudi, University of Pittsburgh Recently, while on my way to the University of Pittsburgh’s campus, I made a quick “Pittsburgh left” – taking a...

Why Silicon Valley wants you to text and drive

Jack Barkenbus, Vanderbilt University As self-driving cars come closer to being common on American roads, much of the rhetoric promoting them has to do with...

Why today’s teens aren’t in any hurry to grow up

Jean Twenge, San Diego State University Teens aren’t what they used to be. The teen pregnancy rate has reached an all-time low. Fewer teens are...

With legal pot comes a problem: How do we weed out...

Igor Grant, University of California, San Diego On Nov. 8 voters in California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada approved ballot measures to legalize recreational cannabis. It...