Tag: Robots
What the Industrial Revolution really tells us about the future of...
Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University
As automation and artificial intelligence technologies improve, many people worry about the future of work. If millions of human workers...
Robots won’t steal our jobs if we put workers at center...
Thomas Kochan, MIT Sloan School of Management and Lee Dyer, Cornell University
The technologies driving artificial intelligence are expanding exponentially, leading many technology experts and...
How robots could help bridge the elder-care gap
Cynthia Matuszek, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Despite innovations that make it easier for seniors to keep living on their own rather than moving into...
Is it time for a presidential technoethics commission?
Daniel N. Rockmore, Dartmouth College
A recent New York Times article highlighted the growing integration of technologies and textiles, displaying a photograph of a delicate...
Star Wars: these could be the droids we’re looking for in...
Jonathan Roberts, Queensland University of Technology
The latest episode of Star Wars is now upon us and has unleashed a new era of science fantasy...