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Saturday, December 7, 2024

Tag: Work

Unions fight to secure better pay and conditions for workers, but...

Emma Sara Hughes, University of Liverpool Over the past century, unions have successfully campaigned for a minimum wage, holiday...

About 1 in 3 child care workers are going hungry

Colin Page McGinnis, The Ohio State University CC BY-ND. Of the nearly 1 million child...

‘Do what you love’ could be contributing to the Great Resignation

Galen Watts, KU Leuven “Do what you love,” is no longer just advice. High school students learn early on that their future careers should...

In a lockdown, where does work end and parenting begin? Welcome...

Candice Harris, Auckland University of Technology and Jarrod Haar, Auckland University of Technology All parents work.

Hybrid working: how to make it a success

Daniel Wheatley, University of Birmingham Flexibility has become a key element in the world of work. Even before the...

The four-day work week – has its moment arrived? Podcast

Daniel Merino, The Conversation and Gemma Ware, The Conversation Over the last few years, companies and governments in a...

Four-day week: how workplaces can successfully establish it

Rita Fontinha, University of Reading and James Walker, University of Reading Many workplaces have been experimenting with different types of flexible working arrangements for years...

How to help dogs and cats manage separation anxiety when their...

Lori M Teller, Texas A&M University When one of my co-workers found out about a tiny, orphaned kitten that needed a home a few months...