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Saturday, May 4, 2024
Tags Animal welfare

Tag: Animal welfare

Better rat control in cities starts by changing human behavior

Michael H. Parsons, Fordham University and Jason Munshi-South, Fordham University For centuries, rats have thrived in cities because of human behavior. In response, humans have...

‘Organic’ label doesn’t guarantee that holiday ham was a happy pig

Michael Haedicke, Drake University This holiday season, Americans will buy some 20 million turkeys and 300 million pounds of ham. Some of these turkeys and hams...

Is it ethical to keep pets and other animals? It depends...

David Favre, Michigan State University New York City’s comprehensive new code for animal welfare restricts when horse-drawn carriages can operate and bans the sale of...

Government restrictions on labeling products as ‘meat’ aren’t likely to help...

Trey Malone, Michigan State University and Brandon McFadden, University of Delaware Substitutes for traditional meat products have captured the attention of investors, the media and...

Americans spend $70 billion on pets, and that money could do...

Sandra Woien, Arizona State University Sylar, the border collie, has his own mansion along with a trampoline and indoor pool. The dog’s adorable features, along...

In cities and on ranches, planning is key to protect animals...

Ragan Adams, Colorado State University It is too early to know how many animals were affected by the severe weather spawned by Hurricane Harvey. But...