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Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Anxiety

Tag: Anxiety

4 ways to help kids relax as the coronavirus upends everyday...

Mirae J. Fornander, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Families everywhere are adjusting to a new way of life due to social distancing measures like closed...

Why teen depression rates are rising faster for girls than boys

Jean Twenge, San Diego State University We’re in the middle of a teen mental health crisis – and girls are at its epicenter. Since 2010, depression,...

Why it matters that more athletes are talking about their mental...

John Affleck, Pennsylvania State University The great basketball writer Jackie MacMullan recently stood at the front of a hotel ballroom in Tampa taking questions after...

What causes greed and how can we deal with it?

Laura E. Alexander, University of Nebraska Omaha Recent news stories have highlighted unethical and even lawless actions taken by people and corporations that were motivated...

Marijuana is a lot more than just THC – a pharmacologist...

James David Adams, University of Southern California Medical marijuana is legal in 33 states as of November 2018. Yet the federal government still insists marijuana...

The mental health crisis among America’s youth is real – and...

Jean Twenge, San Diego State University The first signs of a problem started to emerge around 2014: More young people said they felt overwhelmed and...

Developing teen brains are vulnerable to anxiety – but treatment can...

Paola Odriozola, Yale University and Dylan Gee, Yale University Adolescence is the life stage when mental illnesses are most likely to emerge, with anxiety disorders...

Does thinking you look fat affect how much money you earn?

Patricia Smith, University of Michigan and Jay L. Zagorsky, The Ohio State University Two things people often think about are money and their appearance. Past...