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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Tag: Cognitive function

Octopuses and their relatives are a new animal welfare frontier −...

Rachel Blaser, University of San Diego We named him Squirt – not because he was the smallest of the...

Light exercise can yield significant cognitive benefits, new research shows

Jonathan G. Hakun, Penn State Everyday physical activity, like going for a short walk or playing with the kids,...

What’s your chronotype? Knowing whether you’re a night owl or an...

Cindi May, College of Charleston Timing is everything. For early risers and late-nighters alike, listening to your internal clock...

What’s your chronotype? Knowing whether you’re a night owl or an...

Cindi May, College of Charleston Timing is everything. For early risers and late-nighters alike, listening to your internal clock...

Can coffee or a nap make up for sleep deprivation? A...

Kimberly Fenn, Michigan State University There is no denying the importance of sleep. Everyone feels better after a good...

Rhythmically stimulating the brain with electrical currents could boost cognitive function,...

Shrey Grover, Boston University Figuring out how to enhance a person’s mental capabilities has been of considerable interest to...

Kick up your heels – ballroom dancing offers benefits to the...

Helena Blumen, Albert Einstein College of Medicine The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work.

Are brain games mostly BS?

Walter Boot, Florida State University You’ve probably seen ads for apps promising to make you smarter in just a few minutes a day. Hundreds of...