Tag: Cognitive neuroscience
Adults grow new brain cells – and these neurons are key...
Aswathy Ammothumkandy, University of Southern California; Charles Liu, University of Southern California, and Michael A. Bonaguidi, University of Southern California
Medication can help you make the most of therapy − a...
Rebecca Price, University of Pittsburgh
There is mounting recognition in the scientific community that combining different treatment approaches for...
Bilingual people with language loss due to stroke can pose a...
Claudia Peñaloza, Boston University
The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work.
Selfish or selfless? Human nature means you’re both
Keith Yoder, University of Chicago and Jean Decety, University of Chicago
Looking out for number one has been important...
Why a computer will never be truly conscious
Subhash Kak, Oklahoma State University
Many advanced artificial intelligence projects say they are working toward building a conscious machine, based on the idea that brain...
How can you tell if another person, animal or thing is...
Tam Hunt, University of California, Santa Barbara
How can you know that any animal, other human beings, or anything that seems conscious, isn’t just faking...
‘I got there first!’ How your subjective experience of time makes...
Ty Tang, Arizona State University
Imagine a championship match between two rival basketball teams. The game is tied, seconds left on the shot clock, two...