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New York
Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tag: educate me

Panda diplomacy: what China’s decision to send bears to the US...

Chee Meng Tan, University of Nottingham A deal was signed between San Diego Zoo and China’s Wildlife Conservation...

Putin wants to transform Russia’s far east into a tourist hotspot...

Natasha Kuhrt, King's College London Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has taken a trip to Russia’s untamed and isolated far...

Curious Kids: how much money is there in the world?

Renaud Foucart, Lancaster University How much money is there in the world? – Tsubamé, aged ten, London

‘Leaveism’ and ‘presenteeism’ continue even when employers are more flexible –...

Cary Cooper, University of Manchester and Ian Hesketh, University of Manchester Way back in February 2020, before most of...

‘Leaveism’ and ‘presenteeism’ continue even when employers are more flexible –...

Cary Cooper, University of Manchester and Ian Hesketh, University of Manchester Way back in February 2020, before most of...

How government payments to the vulnerable can multiply to create economic...

Conrad Nunnenmacher, United Nations University; Franziska Gassmann, Maastricht University, and Julieta Morais, United Nations University The economic fallout of...

Unprecedented drought in the Amazon threatens to release huge stores of...

Gemma Ware, The Conversation As world leaders and their climate negotiators gathered at the COP28 climate summit in...

Fertility is becoming a workplace issue but employer support can create...

Krystal Wilkinson, Manchester Metropolitan University; Clare Mumford, University of Central Lancashire, and Michael Carroll, Manchester Metropolitan University https://embed-player.newsoveraudio.com/v4?key=x84olp&id=https://theconversation.com/fertility-is-becoming-a-workplace-issue-but-employer-support-can-create-winners-and-losers-210354&bgColor=F5F5F5&color=D8352A&playColor=D8352A Since...