Tag: Genetically Modified Organisms
Plants might be able to tell us about the location of...
Neal Stewart, University of Tennessee
The notion of plants talking to us about dead people sounds like a bad horror movie. But that’s the theme...
Ethicists: We need more flexible tools for evaluating gene-edited food
Christopher J. Preston, The University of Montana and Trine Antonsen, University of Tromsø
Is there now a way to genetically engineer crops to create food...
The Philippines has rated ‘Golden Rice’ safe, but farmers might not...
Glenn Davis Stone, Washington University in St Louis and Dominic Glover, Institute of Development Studies
“Golden Rice” is probably the world’s most hotly debated genetically...
Mandatory labels with simple disclosures reduced fears of GE foods in...
Jane Kolodinsky, University of Vermont
There has been substantial debate over whether mandated labels for genetically engineered foods might increase or decrease consumer aversion toward...
These CRISPR-modified crops don’t count as GMOs
Yi Li, University of Connecticut
To feed the burgeoning human population, it is vital that the world figures out ways to boost food production.