Tag: Ideology
Seat belts and smoking rates show people eventually adopt healthy behaviors...
Randy P. Juhl, University of Pittsburgh
Why do we do things that are bad for us – or not do things that are good for...
Coronavirus responses highlight how humans are hardwired to dismiss facts that...
Adrian Bardon, Wake Forest University
Bemoaning uneven individual and state compliance with public health recommendations, top U.S. COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci recently blamed the country’s...
Humans are hardwired to dismiss facts that don’t fit their worldview
Adrian Bardon, Wake Forest University
Something is rotten in the state of American political life. The U.S. (among other nations) is increasingly characterized by highly...
How to have productive disagreements about politics and religion
Larisa Heiphetz, Columbia University
In the current polarized climate, it’s easy to find yourself in the midst of a political disagreement that morphs into a...