Tag: international development
Wealthy countries still haven’t met their $100 billion pledge to help...
Rishikesh Ram Bhandary, Boston University
After another year of record-breaking temperatures and extreme weather disasters, wealthy countries are under...
Immigrants are still sending lots of money home despite the coronavirus...
Laura Caron, Columbia University and Erwin R. Tiongson, Georgetown University
Banks and aid agencies have been warning of a pandemic-related plunge in the amount of...
Many small island nations can adapt to climate change with global...
Martina Grecequet, University of Minnesota; Ian Noble, University of Notre Dame, and Jessica Hellmann, University of Minnesota
Island nations are on the front lines of...
Is it time for a Cyber Peace Corps?
Scott Shackelford, Indiana University
Hackers around the world are attacking targets as diverse as North Dakota’s state government, the Ukrainian postal service and a hospital...
Will Trump’s cuts inspire more DIY foreign aid?
Susan Appe, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Running on a shoestring budget, Future in Our Hands-USA helps people living almost 7,500...