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New York
Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Why toy shops — and Amazon — are tapping into paper...

Joanne E. McNeish, Ryerson University https://narrations.ad-auris.com/widget/the-conversation-canada/why-toy-shops-%E2%80%94-and-amazon-%E2%80%94-are-tapping-into-paper-catalogues Did you receive them? Found in many mailboxes in this second pandemic holiday...

Cyberattacks to critical infrastructure threaten our safety and well-being

Jason Jaskolka, Carleton University https://narrations.ad-auris.com/widget/the-conversation-canada/cyberattacks-to-critical-infrastructure-threaten-our-safety-and-well-being What would happen if you could no longer use the technological systems that you...