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New York
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Tag: Mother

Tupac’s ‘Dear Mama’ endures as rap artists detail complex relationships with...

A.D. Carson, University of Virginia In hip-hop music, it sometimes seems as if songs to and about mothers are...

In mice, a mother’s love comes from the gut

Bill Sullivan, Indiana University There is perhaps nothing more heartbreaking and confusing than a mother who neglects her children.

How does a baby ‘breathe’ while inside its mom?

Julie Pollock, University of Richmond “Mothering” is synonymous with “nurturing,” probably because moms start providing for their kids even before they’re born. A fetus relies...

How does a baby ‘breathe’ while inside its mom?

Julie Pollock, University of Richmond “Mothering” is synonymous with “nurturing,” probably because moms start providing for their kids even before they’re born. A fetus relies...

Who’s your daddy? Don’t ask a DNA test

Nara Milanich, Barnard College “Man Ordered to Pay $65K in Child Support for Kid Who Isn’t His.” “Father Hopes to Change State Paternity Law” after...

Mom’s prenatal hardship turns baby’s genes on and off

By Suzanne King, McGill University In January 1998 five days of freezing rain collapsed the electrical grid of the Canadian province of Québec. The storm...