Tag: US history
Why Quincy Jones should be prominently featured in US music education...
Philip Ewell, Hunter College
Quincy Jones, who died on Nov. 3, 2024, at the age of 91, was one...
4 business lessons from the Boston Tea Party
Jay L. Zagorsky, Boston University
December 2023 marks the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, one of...
Big-box retail chains were never a solution for America’s downtowns −...
Nicholas Dagen Bloom, Hunter College
Holiday shopping is in full swing, but city dwellers may have fewer options for...
Why dozens of North American bird species are getting new names:...
Jared Del Rosso, University of Denver
This winter, tens of thousands of birders will survey winter bird populations for...
A First Amendment battle looms in Georgia, where the state is...
Rachel McKane, Brandeis University and David Pellow, University of California, Santa Barbara
When does lawful protest become criminal activity?...
‘Time warp’ takes students to Native American past to search for...
Eric M. Anderman, The Ohio State University and Tzu-Jung Lin, The Ohio State University
The eyes of the fifth...
In America, national parks are more than scenic − they’re sacred....
Thomas S. Bremer, Rhodes College
Abraham Lincoln has an almost saintly place in U.S. history: the “Great Emancipator” whose...
What social change movements can learn from fly fishing: The value...
Brett Crawford, Grand Valley State University ; Erica Coslor, The University of Melbourne, and Madeline Toubiana, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa