Tag: Wildlife conservation
Wild ‘super pigs’ from Canada could become a new front in...
Marcus Lashley, University of Florida
They go by many names – pigs, hogs, swine, razorbacks – but whatever you...
Digitized records from wildlife centers show the most common ways that...
Tara K. Miller, University of Virginia and Richard B. Primack, Boston University
At hundreds of wildlife rehabilitation centers...
Horseshoe crab blood is vital for testing intravenous drugs, but new...
Kristoffer Whitney, Rochester Institute of Technology and Jolie Crunelle, Rochester Institute of Technology
If you have ever gotten a...
Giraffes range across diverse African habitats − we’re using GPS, satellites...
Michael Brown, Smithsonian Institution
Nearly 6,000 years ago, our ancestors climbed arid rocky outcrops in what is now the...
In search of the world’s largest freshwater fish – the wonderfully...
Stefan Lovgren, University of Nevada, Reno
Rivers have been the lifeblood of human civilization throughout history, and yet we...
Human activities in Asia have reduced elephant habitat by nearly two-thirds...
Shermin de Silva, University of California, San Diego
Despite their iconic status and long association with humans, Asian elephants...
In protecting land for wildlife, size matters – here’s what it...
David Jachowski, Clemson University
Driving north on state Highway 66 through the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation in central Montana,...
Weasels, not pandas, should be the poster animal for biodiversity loss
David Jachowski, Clemson University
At the United Nations biodiversity conference that opens in Montreal on Dec. 7, 2022, nations...