Tag: Workplace relations
Should you be friends with your co-workers? Here’s what the research says
Stephen Friedman, York University, Canada
In my teens and twenties, I didn’t think much about how important it was...
Yes, the research confirms: Managers shouldn’t sleep with subordinates
Vanessa K. Bohns, Cornell University
U.S. Rep. Katie Hill recently stepped down after information about an affair with a campaign staffer, and allegations of one...
Egging the question: can your employer sack you for what you...
Anthony Forsyth, RMIT University
It probably wasn’t exactly how egg-tossing activist Amber Holt thought her hit on prime minister Scott Morrision would go down. The...
Got a boss who denies reality? A behavioral scientist’s guide to...
Gleb Tsipursky, The Ohio State University
‘Tis the season for holiday parties at the office.
While they’re great for building workplace camaraderie and team spirit,...