Tag: Affordable Care Act
Response to CEO killing reveals antipathy toward health insurers − but...
Simon F. Haeder, Texas A&M University
The U.S. health care system leaves much to be desired.
How the Trump administration accidentally insured over 200,000 through Obamacare
Coleman Drake, University of Pittsburgh and David Anderson, Duke University
With an eye on replacing the Affordable Care Act, the Trump administration took one particularly...
As rural Americans struggle for health care access, insurers may be...
Simon F. Haeder, Pennsylvania State University
Living in rural America certainly comes with a number of benefits. There is less crime, access to the outdoors,...
How the US could afford ‘Medicare for all
Gerald Friedman, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Health care is Americans’ number-one priority, based on recent polls, so it’s no wonder it’s been a hot topic...
The Senate filibuster explained – and why it should be allowed...
Daniel Wirls, University of California, Santa Cruz
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the latest Democrat to argue an arcane Senate rule governing debate stands in the...
Why your employer-sponsored insurance may ultimately not be good for you
Dana Goldman, University of Southern California
The Democratic presidential debates, which resume Sept. 12, have highlighted a deep disagreement over the future American health care...
Vital Signs: the battle for the soul of the US Democrats...
Richard Holden, UNSW
Over the past two days the 20 leading contenders for the role of the US Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential candidate have faced...
US health care: An industry too big to fail
Michael Williams, University of Virginia
As I spoke recently with colleagues at a conference in Florence, Italy about health care innovation, a fundamental truth resurfaced...