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Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Tags Beauty

Tag: Beauty

How Sarah Baartman’s hips went from a symbol of exploitation to...

Rokeshia Renné Ashley, Florida International University In “BLACK EFFECT,” a track from Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s 2018 collaborative album “EVERYTHING...

Nail salon workers suffer chemical exposures that can be like working...

Lupita D. Montoya, University of Colorado Boulder and Aaron Lamplugh, University of Colorado Boulder Anyone who has walked past a nail salon is familiar with...

Beautiful people don’t always win in the workplace

Chun Zhang, University of Dayton Beautiful people tend to have a lot more luck in the work world. Research has shown people deemed attractive get paid...

How being beautiful influences your attitudes toward sex

Robert Urbatsch, Iowa State University People tend to feel strongly about matters of sexual morality, such as premarital sex or gay marriage. Some sources of these...

Why are fewer and fewer Americans fixing their noses?

Laurie Essig, Middlebury College Americans love cosmetic surgery. Last year in the U.S., there were 1.8 million plastic surgeries and nearly 16 million nonsurgical procedures, like...

At the beauty salon, Dominican-American women conflicted over quest for straight...

Melissa Godin, New York University When Chabelly Pacheco – a Dominican-American who moved to Long Island when she was five years old – walks into...

Why are young women without wrinkles using Botox?

Dana Berkowitz, Louisiana State University The battle against wrinkles has lasted for centuries. Long before surgical facelifts, people ingested powders and potions, stretched their...