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Tags Donald Trump

Tag: Donald Trump

Texas voting law builds on long legacy of racism from GOP...

Chris Lamb, IUPUI Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a bill on Sept....

Trump can’t beat Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in court – but...

Frank LoMonte, University of Florida From condo salesman to reality TV host to leader of the free world, Donald...

Why the legacy of Billy Graham continues to endure: 3 essential...

Kalpana Jain, The Conversation A new two-hour documentary on PBS examines the life and rise of Billy Graham, the...

Why Trump is more likely to win in the GOP than...

Marjorie Hershey, Indiana University Former President Donald Trump has claimed at times that he’ll start a third political party...

A less Trumpy version of Trumpism might be the future of...

Morgan Marietta, University of Massachusetts Lowell and David C. Barker, American University School of Public Affairs Donald Trump lost...

Debunking the myth of legislative gridlock

Jeb Barnes, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences So much for gridlock. President Joe...

It’s not just Trump – presidents and politicians have long shredded...

Maurizio Valsania, Università di Torino Donald Trump has achieved something unique: He is the first and only president to...

Lessons from Donald Trump: Does a toxic CEO ever truly leave?

Steven H. Appelbaum, Concordia University Psychopaths are people with a variety of behavioural traits that make them uniquely ruthless...