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New York
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Tag: Social work

This Atlanta neighborhood hired a case manager to address rising homelessness...

Ishita Chordia, University of Washington Homelessness has surged across the United States in recent years, rising 19% from 2016...

Low pay, high staff turnover and employee burnout took a toll...

Susan Neely-Barnes, University of Memphis; Elena Delavega, University of Memphis, and Melissa Hirschi, Utah Valley University Social service nonprofits...

Family caregivers face financial burdens, isolation and limited resources − a...

Kathy L. Lee, University of Texas at Arlington Millions of Americans have become informal family caregivers: people who provide...

A former prosecutor reimagines how the criminal justice system can serve...

Andrew King-Ries, The University of Montana For nearly a decade, I believed I was helping improve victims’ lives by prosecuting people who committed domestic violence...

How the refugee crisis is playing out on the German stage

Emily Goodling, Stanford University Since 2015, over one million refugees have entered Germany. As a political event, the so-called refugee crisis continues to...