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Tags US journalism

Tag: US journalism

Student reporters fill crucial gap in state government coverage

Richard Watts, University of Vermont The local news business is in crisis. The nation is currently losing two community...

Student reporters fill crucial gap in state government coverage

Richard Watts, University of Vermont The local news business is in crisis. The nation is currently losing two community...

Local news outlets can fill the media trust gap – but...

Damian Radcliffe, University of Oregon With the polarization of America’s media and politics reaching a fever pitch, many news consumers – “worn out by a...

How local journalism can upend the ‘fake news’ narrative

Damian Radcliffe, University of Oregon “For the first time media is the least trusted institution globally,” Edelman, the global PR and marketing firm concluded in...

Tom Wolfe elevated journalism into enduring literature

William McKeen, Boston University In 20th-century popular culture, journalists were portrayed as needy hacks desperate to write the Great American Novel. Journalism was the means...

10 ways the tech industry and the media helped create President...

Damian Radcliffe, University of Oregon Three weeks after Donald Trump won a historic victory to become the 45th president of the United States, the media...

Experts’ roundtable: The future of journalism in Trump’s America

Gerry Lanosga, Indiana University, Bloomington ; Damian Radcliffe, University of Oregon; Frank Waddell, University of Florida; Glenn Scott, Elon University, and Jennifer Glover Konfrst,...