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Saturday, May 4, 2024
Tags Water

Tag: water

Discovered: a huge liquid water lake beneath the southern pole of...

Jonti Horner, University of Southern Queensland We now know that there is permanent liquid water on Mars, according to a paper published today in the...

Crop insurance is good for farmers, but not always for the...

Don Fullerton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Julian Reif, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Megan Konar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Tatyana Deryugina,...

The bottled water industry’s healthy origins

Alexandre Nobajas, Keele University Huge outcry ensued from my recent article about how Brexit would hurt Britain’s bottled water industry. The outcry wasn’t to do...

Flooding from Hurricane Harvey causes a host of public health concerns

Neil S. Grigg, Colorado State University The historic rainfall dumped by Hurricane Harvey has already led to deaths by drownings and the destruction of many...

Is your drinking water safe? Here’s how you can find out

Susan Boser, Pennsylvania State University and Diane Oleson, Pennsylvania State University America’s drinking water infrastructure is aging and in serious need of modernization. Pipes are...

Women still carry most of the world’s water

Bethany Caruso, Emory University Imagine going through your day without access to clean, safe water in your home for drinking, cooking, washing or bathing whenever...

Will Trump’s cuts inspire more DIY foreign aid?

Susan Appe, Binghamton University, State University of New York Running on a shoestring budget, Future in Our Hands-USA helps people living almost 7,500...

Should we worry about arsenic in baby cereal and drinking water?

Stuart Shalat, Georgia State University Even though most people don’t know much about chemicals in general or poisons in particular, virtually everyone knows that arsenic...