Tag: Wildlife biology
By ‘helping’ wild animals, you could end their freedom or even...
Julian Avery, Penn State
For anyone who enjoys nature, summer is a fascinating time to be outside. Animals are...
Making room for wildlife: 4 essential reads
Jennifer Weeks, The Conversation
Millions of Americans enjoy observing and photographing wildlife near their homes or on trips. But...
Why do flocks of birds swoop and swirl together in the...
Tom Langen, Clarkson University
Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If...
Don’t hike so close to me: How the presence of humans...
Jeremy Dertien, Clemson University ; Courtney Larson, University of Wyoming, and Sarah Reed, Colorado State University
Millions of Americans...
It’s OK to feed wild birds – here are some tips...
Julian Avery, Pennsylvania State University
Millions of Americans enjoy feeding and watching backyard birds. Many people make a point of putting food out in winter,...
What can you learn from studying an animal’s scat?
Verity Mathis, University of Florida
Black bears adapt to life near humans by burning the midnight...
Kathy Zeller, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amid reports that human activities are pushing many wild species to the edge of extinction, it’s easy to miss...
Sequencing the white shark genome is cool, but for bigger insights...
Gavin Naylor, University of Florida
The headlines are eye-catching: Scientists have sequenced the genome of white sharks. Or the bamboo lemur, or the golden eagle....