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Tags Ireland

Tag: Ireland

Sinead O’Connor was once seen as a sacrilegious rebel, but her...

Brenna Moore, Fordham University When news broke July 26, 2023, that the gifted Irish singer Sinead O’Connor had died,...

Clear, consistent health messaging critical to stemming epidemics and limiting coronavirus...

Thespina (Nina) Yamanis, American University While the deadly coronavirus spreads rapidly in the United States, United Kingdom, France and beyond, several countries in Asia and...

Emails outside working hours: are they against employment law?

Darius Whelan, University College Cork It is common for many employees to send, read and reply to work emails at all hours of the day...

When religious ideology drives abortion policy, poor women suffer the consequences

Gretchen E. Ely, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York In Northern Ireland, Catholics and Protestants are frequently segregated, with some neighborhoods divided...

The truth about St. Patrick’s Day

James Farrelly, University of Dayton In 1997, my students and I traveled to Croagh Patrick, a mountain in County Mayo, as part of a study...

The Easter Rising 100 years on: how the Irish revolution fired...

David Brundage, University of California, Santa Cruz On July 27, 1919, Marcus Garvey, the African-American nationalist then nearing the height of his influence, rose to...