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Sunday, May 19, 2024
Tags Lifeandnews

Tag: lifeandnews

How much government surveillance will Americans accept?

Darren Davis, University of Notre Dame The expiration of key provisions of the US Patriot Act – and the passage of the USA Freedom Act...

How national security gave birth to bioethics

Jonathan D Moreno, University of Pennsylvania Starting near the end of World War II and continuing until the 1970s, the US government sponsored radiation experiments...

Are parents morally obligated to forbid their kids from playing football?

Kathleen Bachynski, Columbia University In March 2015, San Francisco 49ers linebacker Chris Borland shocked football fans when he announced his decision to retire after just...

Two covers, two culture shifts

Renee Cramer, Drake University Sometimes, a picture can transform a culture. Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover, which exploded across the country this week, certainly elicits comparisons...

Can the power grid survive a cyberattack?

Michael McElfresh, Santa Clara University It’s very hard to overstate how important the US power grid is to American society and its economy. Every critical...

Women compete to be thin for men – a pursuit exacerbated...

Helen Driscoll, University of Sunderland Plus Sized Wars, Channel 4’s exploration into the rise of the plus-sized fashion industry is part of an ongoing debate...

Paid sick days and physicians at work: ancient Egyptians had state-supported...

Anne Austin, Stanford University We might think of state supported health care as an innovation of the 20th century, but it’s a much older tradition...

Choose your future: a new law aims to provide better support...

V Scott Solberg, Boston University Like many, my friend Paul stepped out of college and has struggled to find jobs with decent wages. It is hard...