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Monday, May 20, 2024


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New take on game theory offers clues on why we cooperate

By Alexander J Stewart, University of Pennsylvania Why do people cooperate? This isn’t a question anyone seriously asks. The answer is obvious: we cooperate because...

Could this Dalai Lama be the last?

Sidney Burris, University of Arkansas For Buddhists who follow his teachings, or to those who are simply drawn to his public message of kindness (“My...

The rise and rise of Belgium’s Indian diamond dynasties

By Kathryn Lum, European University Institute From the outside, Number 2 Hoveniersstraat Street in Antwerp is a nondescript office block. Only the clusters of businessmen...

What can be done about our modern-day Frankensteins?

What can be done about our modern-day Frankensteins? ...

People like us: how our brains view others

By Leslie Henderson, Dartmouth College Race-related demonstrations, Title IX disputes, affirmative action court cases, same-sex marriage bans. These issues made headlines in all spheres of the...

‘Working out’ PTSD – exercise is a vital part of treatment

By Simon Rosenbaum, George Institute for Global Health In 1954, the first director-general of the World Health Organisation, Dr Brock Chisholm, famously stated: “Without mental...

Why we need a ‘moon shot’ to catalogue the Earth’s biodiversity

Quentin Wheeler, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry It’s unlikely that presidential candidates will ever utter the word “biodiversity” while...

Health Check: what does my blood group mean?

By Ashley Ng, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Few discoveries have revolutionised the practice of medicine as much as the discovery of human red blood...