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Monday, May 6, 2024
Tags Life and news

Tag: life and news

Singles Market: Warpaint’s ‘New Song’

I love when I hear a song and it’s as if someone’s hands are reaching out, grabbing me by the collar, and saying, “here’s something you’ve kind of heard before and really like, but I’m doing it my way and it’s rad…”

The Most Famous World Series Home Run and the Man Who...

"...with almost a one-handed swing with only his upper body, [Gibson] blasted one of the most dramatic home runs in the history of baseball."

Singles Market: Of Mice And Men

Could metalcore music be embodying the rage currently displayed in this presidential election?

The Most Un-Presidential Presidential Debate

“He did it too,” is a defense worthy of a five-year-old in trouble at school, not a Presidential candidate.

Was the Kim Kardashian Robbery an Inside Job—or Even a PR...

“Why were there no armed guards? Why weren’t the jewels secured in a vault or for that matter offsite in a secure location? How is that in the middle of a $10 million-plus jewelry heist, the Paris police allow the victim to leave the country just a few short hours after the crime occurred? How is it that Kim was able to free herself from restraints applied by assumed professional thieves?"

AI Writes a Beatles-Style Song: Cue the End of the Human...

"...it is naive on the part of humans to think such future AI could be controlled."

The “Rogue Cartoonist” Ben Garrison on What it’s Like to be...

"“Hillary Clinton is the very face of corruption and criminality. It's imperative that she not be rewarded again with the White House for her astonishing amount of egregious misdeeds and criminal acts. She's incompetent. She's an accomplished liar. She's smugly callous. I will con-tinue to expose her all I can.”

I’m a Man and I Want to Talk About Rape

It is more difficult, and more necessary, to be honest and upfront about the ways in which we contribute to maintaining a culture in which sexual violence against women flourishes.